Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020

Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020: Every year Jamia Millia Islamia invites a student to take admission to the school of class 10th and 12th as private students.

DATESHEET: Class 10th and 12th datesheet is out. [easy_media_download url=”https://jmihelp.comwp-content/uploads/2020/02/datesheet_class_xxii_private2020.pdf”]

And this year too, JMI invites students to fill the form of an exam for the year 2020.

Those students who are willing to take admission as a private student or want to join through the distance learning program can fill-up the form. Scroll down to read more.

Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020

Note: Datesheet for class 10th and 12th class private exam is available now. Get it from jmicoe.in

JMI class 10th & 12th Private Exam Form 2020

Online annual examination forms of the year 2020 for class X and XII (Private Candidates) will be available after the 1st of October 2019. And last to apply is 30 November 2019.

UPDATE: Exam form is available now.

How to Fill the form?

Are you struggling while filling the Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020, then don’t worry. I am here to help you all out here. Just follow the given steps one by one:

Step 1: Click on this link to visit directly or even you can use www.jmicoe.in >> Private Exam

In the right section of the page, you will find the login interface. So, if you have already applied earlier use your credentials to log in thereby providing with login id and password.

If you are applying for the first time, then click on Register Now.

Step 2: When you will click on it, new popup form will appear. Under Select Under login type select your class means private Class-X or Class-XII 2020.

Step 3: Under login Id (Unique Id) give your email address. Provide your mobile number and give your desired password to confirm  it and then proceed.

After successful activation. You will be then eligible for filling the form by login with your id and password.

Step 4: Provide your login Id and password what you chose earlier and boom you will enter the dashboard area to fill the form. Like this.

Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020

Step 5: After entering the dashboard select ” private Exam Form” form will open. Provide all the details it is asking, and confirm it by submitting the form.

Step 6: After confirming it, you will get another interface of uploading the required documents.

You have to upload Photo, Signature and Guardian Signature. Here also you need to upload your Date of birth certificate and Aadhar Card then click ‘Save & Continue’.

Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020

Step 7: After uploading, finally you have to make payment online. and take the print of the acknowledgment form.

NOTE: At last you have to submit the hard copy At Counter No. 8 in the Office of the Controller of Examinations.

Important Points:

 Last date to fill the form  30th November 2019
 Examination Fees  700/- INR

JMI class 10th and 12th (Private): Syllabus

You can download the syllabus for the respective classes provided below.

For class 10th: [easy_media_download url=”https://jmihelp.comwp-content/uploads/2020/02/X-FINAL_SYLLABUS_2018-19.pdf”]

For Class 12th: [easy_media_download url=”https://jmihelp.comwp-content/uploads/2020/02/12TH_SYLLABUS-FINAL_2018-19.pdf”]

Documents Required

The following documents are to be uploaded for candidates filling the application forms for CLASS X:

1. Proof of passing the last examination (self-attested photocopy)

2. Certificate of marks obtained at the last examination (self-attested photocopy)

3. In the case of non-school education when applying for class X, an affidavit by the father/mother in the format.

4. Age proof: A certificate of the competent registrar of births & death or self-attested copy of passport or self-attested copy of Aadhar Card.

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5. No Object Certificate from the Employer if the candidate is employed.

6. Migration/Transfer Certificate (TC) in original from the last school attended.

The following documents are to be uploaded for candidates filling the application forms for CLASS XII :

1. A candidate who has obtained minimum of 33% or Grade D in at least five subjects in the aggregate in class X, or an equivalent examination from any recognized school with one year`s gap.

2. Mark-Sheet/Grade Card self-attested

3. Migration/Transfer Certificate (TC) in original from the last school attended
4. No Object Certificate from the Employer if the candidate is employed.


I hope you will able to fill the Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020. And if you have any queries or questions, do ask in the comment section below.

Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020

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15 thoughts on “Jamia Class 10th and 12th Private Exam Form 2020”

  1. Sir Jmi is not providing syllabus for class 10th private 2019-20…They are showing the syllabus of 2018-19…then is the syllabus of 2019 same as 2020?


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